
Greenlee® 683 - Reel Jackstand (683) Part# 683 (1 Ea)

Manufacturer: GREENLEE®
Leading manufacturer of high-quality tools | Trusted and used by experts, professionals and those who know quality | Proven and Tested for durabilty and function in real world job site conditions | Seven US Based Manufacturing Facilities
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Product DescriptionTelescoping Adjustable Reel Stand, Capacity 2500 Pounds, Maximum Height 54 Inches, Minimum Height 22 Inches, Maximum Reel Diameter 96 Inches, Minimum Reel Diameter 46 Inches, For Use with G0726311From the ManufacturerWide, welded steel base for added stability with 5/8-Inch holes. Roller bearings fit in the spindle groove to keep the spindle in place and turning freely. Two stands and a spindle are required for a complete setup.